How do I add variants to a product?
A Product can be created as a regular product, or as a product with variants. A variant is a variation of the Main Product.
An example of a Product with Variants is a T-Shirt. The T-Shirt can have different Colors. It is still the same T-Shirt, but it comes in different Colors.
Once a product has Variants you cannot send Price, Media and Availability messages to the Main Product. The Main Product only needs to be included in the Product feed.
A Product can vary on these combinations:
- Size
- Color
- Flavor
- Size and Color combined
- Size and Flavor combined
Within the same Product, all Variants must be of the same variable(s), meaning a single product cannot have one variant that varies on e.g., flavor, and another variant, under the same Main Product, that varies on e.g., size and color.
Once a product has been set to vary on either Size, Color or Flavor (or one of the combinations), it cannot be changed. Neither can you remove a variant from a product once it is added. However more Variants can always be added.
If you want to remove variants on a product you will need to send 'offline' in an Availability event if you want the variants to disappear from the marketplace.