From 1 January 2023, new rules apply that mean that platform operators must submit information to the Swedish Tax Agency about which sellers use the platform and what income they have received. The background to the new rules is a mandatory EU directive called DAC 7.
CDON is a platform operator subject to reporting obligations.
DAC7 means that CDON must provide control data for all reportable sellers once a year.
Each reporting platform operator shall carry out a customer due diligence process and request information from reportable sellers. This applies to sellers who at some point in 2023 have been registered on the platform, carried out the relevant activity and received compensation for this (above a certain limit for the number of orders and compensation).
CDON therefore needs to collect specific information from you according to current rules.
You can read about the new DAC7 rules on the Swedish Tax Agency's website
We will return with more information about what information we need and in what way the information shall be provided.
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