How do I change the status in an errand?
This can be done in two different ways, method 1 is done by going into the errand directly in Reclaimit and then pressing events > Change status. This will then open up a tab where you can choose one of multiple statuses. All you need to do after picking a status is to press Save and then the status will be changed. The other way a status can be changed is by going to your Start menu and pressing Open cases, you will then be taken to a page where you can see all your ongoing cases in Reclaimit. You can then slide the page to the right and there you will find a button called Change status. From here you can change status just like the first method.
Is it possible to change status in bulk?
It is not possible to change the status of multiple cases in Reclaimit at the same time. If there is a need for this we recommend using the second method mentioned above in order to close your errands faster.
Do I have to change the status each time I respond to an errand?
Statuses need to be changed primarily when an errand is considered solved and the customer has no remaining questions. If a case meets these requirements you can proceed to change the status to a status that closes the errand. The case will then be closed 5 days after the status has been manually set.
Which statuses do I select to close an errand?
If the customer fails to return an item, or stops responding, use:
- Not submitted/changed (Ej inskickad/ändrade)
If the customer is sent spare parts, or a brand new product, use:
- Errand approved, new product (Godkänd, ny produkt)
If you for any reason must decline the customer's request, please make sure to always write an email at the same time or just after setting the status. This way, the customer is informed why their errand was declined. In turn, this boosts Customer Satisfaction.
Failure to set a status, or setting a status misaligned with the information you sent to the customer, causes the errand to be escalated to us. At this point, we may elect a different outcome in favour of the customer.
Automatic statuses?
When answering a complaint or missing shipment case in Reclaimit your statuses will be automatically updated to one of two statuses depending on which party has answered the errand. If you, the merchant, answer the customer in these types of cases the status will be automatically adjusted to “To follow up”, and if the customer answers you the case status will be adjusted to “Being processed”. These statuses cannot be selected manually.
Why has my errand been escalated?
New errands are to be replied to within 24 hours and ongoing errands are to be replied to within 72 hours. This timer is paused for weekends and holidays, according to the Swedish calendar. If these thresholds aren’t fulfilled, the errand will be escalated to CDONs customer service team. Also, failure to set a status, or setting a status misaligned with the information you sent to the customer, causes the errand to be escalated to us. At this point, we may elect a different outcome in favour of the customer.
Is there anything I can do once the errand has been escalated?
If and when an errand is escalated, you will receive an email notification that the errand has been escalated to our customer service team, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the customer will be refunded as the customer service team will make a decision based on the dialogue in the errand. If you have additional information that will aid the customer service team in the decision-making process, simply respond to the notification email.
I got an email about an errand, how do I find said errand in Reclaimit?
The email you have received will always contain an errand ID. On the left side of Reclaimit there is a feature named "Search case" where you can search and find the errand using the errand ID mentioned in the email.